#10 - Wild Card
Podcast Review: Your Own Backyard
True crime has interested me for a long time. Watching Dateline or documentaries has been a common occurrence for several years. When podcasts became popular, I was interested in listening to them, but I only got around to it once I was driving 5 hours to Northwest Arkansas by myself during the summer. Music became old, and I found that a podcast passed the time faster. The podcast that caught my attention was from an inexperienced journalist named Chris Lambert, titled Your Own Backyard.
In the past year, I have become opinionated about the true crime I choose. It has been speculated that true crime can be unethical, and I would have to agree; however, some true crime is produced ethically and tastefully. I discuss this issue in my senior research project, but in short, true crime is acceptable when it is produced using journalistic integrity and avoids exploitation. Your Own Backyard achieves this and more.
The podcast discusses the disappearance of Cal Poly freshman Kristin Smart. During Memorial Day weekend in 1996, Kristin attended a party alone. There were several suspicious events during the party, but Kristin's state at the night's end was most noticeable. Witnesses say they hardly saw her drinking, yet she was passed out in the front yard, unable to walk. Several students walked Kristin home that night, but she was left alone with one person at the end of their journey back to campus. This student was Paul Flores, who would become suspect #1 and remain a suspect for around 25 years.
When Chris Lambert began the podcast, he had no idea how essential it would become to the case. Without spoiling any details, the podcast led to a big break, leading Paul Flores to his conviction in 2022.
My favorite aspect of the podcast was Chris' dedication to Kristin. Much of the true crime produced today only focus on making money. Chris only cared about getting justice for Kristin and her family. You leave each episode knowing more about Kristin and who she was, and Chris' advocacy for her is admirable. Chris also only states the facts of the case. He never deviates into speculation unless necessary.
Your Own Backyard is a perfect example of doing true crime ethically. I encourage everyone that is interested in true crime to be careful what they watch or listen to. True crime shouldn't exploit families or leave the victim out of the narrative. Your Own Backyard has become one of my favorite podcasts, and the story behind it and its help in the case is astounding.
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