#10 - Wild Card
Podcast Review: Your Own Backyard True crime has interested me for a long time. Watching Dateline or documentaries has been a common occurrence for several years. When podcasts became popular, I was interested in listening to them, but I only got around to it once I was driving 5 hours to Northwest Arkansas by myself during the summer. Music became old, and I found that a podcast passed the time faster. The podcast that caught my attention was from an inexperienced journalist named Chris Lambert, titled Your Own Backyard. In the past year, I have become opinionated about the true crime I choose. It has been speculated that true crime can be unethical, and I would have to agree; however, some true crime is produced ethically and tastefully. I discuss this issue in my senior research project , but in short, true crime is acceptable when it is produced using journalistic integrity and avoids exploitation. Your Own Backyard achieves this and more. The podcast...